Home >> California >> Economy Movers
Economy Movers Moving Company Details
  • Address : 4287 W Swift Ave,
  • Fresno, California, 93724.

  • Contact info :
  • Phone : 559-276-0835 / Fax : (559) 276-0918
  • Email-ID : Contact Us
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Economy Movers

Economy Movers has been in the moving business for over 30 years. Locally we are located in the beautiful Ashlan 99 Business Park so you can rest assured knowing your belongings are being stored in a safe, secure environment under our 30,000 square foot warehouse built of tilt wall concrete construction, and 24hour video surveillance.. Economy Movers is located at Fresno, California-93724, US. Please call us 559-276-0835 for all the details involved in moving services.